St Angel of Acri

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St Angel of Acri


St. Angel of Acri (1669-1739)

October 31

Angel was born in Acri, Calabria on October 19, 1669, the son of Francisco Falcone and Diana Enrico. He joined the novitiate among the Minor Capuchin Brothers of Acri (Cosenza), and after a period of perplexity due to the fear of not achieving the ideals of the order, he took his vows in 1691. Once finished with his studies and ordained priest, he consecrated to, preaching: a simple and ardent preaching, stripped of rhetoric and accompanied by miracles which had a great and beneficial influence among the country people of southern Italy. In memory of his continuously given missions, he used to raise a Calvary formed with three crosses. But the beginnings of his apostolate were discouraging. This is why after a first failure, he asked the Lord to give him the gift of words and was blessed by Him. On October 30, 1739, at the age of 70, with the Holiest of names of Jesus and Mary on his lips, he expired serenely. He was made blessed by the pope Leo XII on December 18, 1825 and canonized by HH. Francis on October 15, 2017.

St. Angel of Acri