Categoría: News

He looked at me with mercy and chose me

He looked at me with mercy and chose me

Under the motto “Serve the Lord in poverty and humility”, on February 16 of this year the brothers Ángel, Antonio, Sergio and who writes received the ministry of the diaconate; wanting to synthesize our desire to continue living in fidelity the way of life of the Holy Gospel, in the poor, humble and crucified Christ.

septiembre 30, 2019junio 24, 2021by In News
“Grant us to do what you want …”

“Grant us to do what you want …”

Under the slogan “Grant us to do what you want and always want what you like”, the brothers Jesus, Eduardo and Carlos have made their Solemn Profession in the fraternity of the Eagles located south of Mexico City.

septiembre 10, 2019junio 24, 2021by In News
“The Lord gave me brothers”

“The Lord gave me brothers”

Today began the new postulancy course with the entry of four young people.

Standing, from left to right:
– Jesús Rojas García, 29 years old, from Michoacán.
– Jesús Francisco Martín del Campo Torres, 24 years old, from Jalisco.

septiembre 2, 2019junio 25, 2021by In News
And leaving the nets instantly, they followed him…

And leaving the nets instantly, they followed him…

Under the motto “And leaving the nets instantly, they followed him…” we have concluded the last vocational retreat of the 2018-2019 process. A retreat that has accompanied young people who have carried out a vocational process and who have wanted to know our way of life from a space of prayer, fraternity, work, apostolate, and reflection.

Temporary Profession

Temporary Profession

We celebrated with joy the first profession of our brothers José Guadalupe, Ignacio, Rafael, Erick, Luis Jesús and Jorge. In an atmosphere of closeness, joy and fraternity,

Let us give thanks to the Lord!

Let us give thanks to the Lord!

It’s a customary expression that one of our dear confreres used to say at the end of any conversation, meeting, or exchange of opinions.

Easter Greeting 2019

Easter Greeting 2019

It’s good to connect with you again after some months. During this Lent, here in the Curia, we prayed the Stations of the Cross together after Evening Prayer on Fridays. A very simple moment, but also a very beautiful way of participating in the Lord’s Passion.

Christ is alive

Christ is alive

“Christ is alive! He is our hope, and in a wonderful way he brings youth to our world.  The very first words, then, that I would like to say to every young Christian are these: Christ is alive and he wants you to be alive!”.

Serve the Lord in poverty and humility

Serve the Lord in poverty and humility

La Piedad, Michoacán has been the meeting place to welcome brothers, family and friends from Mexico, who have joyfully accompanied our Custody of Mexico and Texas in the consecration ...

febrero 18, 2019junio 24, 2021by In News